Do you have a routine that you do every single day?
I mean, besides brushing your teeth when you wake up, cooking breakfast, and feeding the kids? No? Well, no wonder you already feel exhausted and and drained early in the day. You’re not starting your day the powerful way.
I bet there are so many things that get in the way to set yourself up to win for the day and you are already trying things like waking up earlier, getting to bed earlier, or not checking checking your phone when you wake up.
But how do the most successful entrepreneurs, influencers and celebrities get so much done and stay grounded throughout the day? Answer: They have a morning routines.The benefit of having morning routines so that you can put yourself in a position of control. I don’t mean that you can control people or circumstances (obviously), but you will feel in control of your state of mind and that can give your life more clarity.
To have your own Morning Ritual, Click Here!
A few highly influential people that I personally look up to have their individual and unique routines.
Tony Robbins calls it “priming.” He has a powerful morning routine where he meditates, expresses gratitude, does unique breathing exercises, visualizes, has physical activity, and so on. With his busy schedule, can you imagine all the things he goes through in a day? How does he keep himself grounded and put together and yet there is so much “noise” around him?
There isn’t a day where he misses his morning ritual. If he somehow is short on time, he still takes at the least 15minutes to “prime” himself. His morning routine has made a massive contribution to where he is today.
Oprah has her own routine as well. And guess what? She doesn’t set an alarm. That’s right. She says that she wakes up with the intention of waking up at a certain time. She “doesn’t believe” in alarm clocks. Her morning typically starts off with walking her dogs. Oprah loves nature. So most of the time, she spends her morning outside so she can find peace.
Oprah is a huge advocate of meditating and at least 15 minutes of exercise a day. It boosts her mood and creativity. We probably wouldn’t know who Oprah was if she didn’t create a powerful morning routine that supported her in her career all throughout these years!
Do you want to create your own morning routine? Click Here!
Garrain Jones never goes about his day without his morning routine. If you knew where his story and where he came from, you will be surprised! Garrain calls his morning routine his “panda hour.” He has completely transformed his life from being homeless and broke to being a multimillionaire being interviewed by Forbes.
He has really created a life worth living once he was able to focus on what’s working and what was not working, and his old self was not working.
His morning ritual is one of the most powerful ones I have heard of yet. Today, he is one of the most influential people impacting many lives through his wellness community called Herbaheroes.
Steve Jobs had one of the most simple routines. He wakes up, takes a shower, eats breakfast, and lastly goes to the mirror and asks himself, “If today was the last day of your life, what would you do to spend your last day on?”
That is a powerful question. Can you imagine what answers he gave himself everyday to build a multibillion dollar company? Apple actually became the first trillion dollar company before Google and Amazon. That man was on a mission. If he didn’t ask himself that everyday, where would Apple be today?
There isn’t a right or wrong way of having a morning ritual, as long as it works for you and you feel that it is contributing to your personal growth, then do you! If you want to have a better day, start with the morning. Focus on your morning getting better and the rest of the day will take care of itself.