Before you clicked on this, I bet you already know what I am about to say.
If not, good for you. You want to learn more.
Before I started Goal Driven Mindset, I thought I knew a lot of things already. But what I didn’t know why I wasn’t succeeding or happy in all areas of my life. I was confused and had low self-esteem wondering what was wrong and why I didn’t have what others had.
Then when my more successful friends gave me some guidance on where I can start, I responded with, “I KNOW.”
“Hey Gerald, why won’t you do this? – “I know.”
“Hey Gerald, next time, try this.” – “I know.”
“Hey Gerald! I learned something new and I want to share it with you!” – “I know about that already.”
You don’t have to tell me twice. If you get stuck with the “I know syndrome” you will stay stuck in all the areas you want growth.
Have you ever met a Mr. Know-it-all?
They make you feel so unimportant sometimes. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty embarrassing. When I learned something new and valuable to me and I want to share it was a friend, then they reply with, “I know that”, it made me feel like I shouldn’t tell them anything anymore because it sounds like they know everything!
At that time, I didn’t know how I was showing up in life to others. I did not know that it was me who was hindering my growth.
I have learned that now when someone you care about someone and they care about you shares something important to them even if you have already heard it, it is best to just listen.
If you always say “I know”, you will create a wall between you and the person you want to have a genuine relationship with.
Being a know-it-all will create conflict as well as hinder you from your growth in life.
The best way to get rid of the I know Syndrome is to understand that you don’t know EVERYTHING.
The most successful entrepreneurs know that learning is a non-stop thing. They are always willing to learn and be open to new things.
They learn not just for their personal growth, but they learn so they can educate others.
That is why CEO’s and Business owners attend seminars that they have been to over and over again because they think, “Maybe I will learn something new again this time” or “There has to be a golden nugget that I missed from the last seminar.”
If your cup is always full, you’ll never allow yourself to be open to new things.
It is great to always be in learning mode because it keeps you alert. People who learn and progress in life are always happy as long as they are progressing for all the right reasons.
Share your story about a know-it-all. Comment below, I would love to read about your stories.