These are the top 10 best ways to lose weight that have helped numerous people lose up to 2 in inches around their waist within 14 days.
First Commandment. Thou Shall not commit gluttony.
Let’s face it. Most people binge. They eat like they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Have you ever met someone who has a slim face, skinny arms, and legs but a distended stomach? They may be eating a lot but are naturally skinny people. You see those bodybuilders with the “bubble gut?” They have to eat so much to keep up with their size (along with steroids and growth hormones, but that’s another story)!
Eating 65-75% full is ideal if you are trying to lose some inches around the waist. Frequent and scheduled meals should do the trick. In about one week, you will find yourself feeling lighter and less bloated. Give your stomach time to digest your food from your last meal.
Second Commandment. Thou Shall minimize consumption of deep fried food.
Don’t worry. Stir-fried is okay. It doesn’t diminish the nutrients that much. Deep-fried food can significantly reduce the nutritional content of the food that you are eating. Regardless if it is a superfood like broccoli, overcooking or deep frying can cause its most important vitamins or minerals to decrease.
Best alternatives would be baking, grilling, and steaming.
Third Commandment. Thou Shall not consume High Fructose Corn Syrup or other high sugar food.
Sugar is a no-no! Excess sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Studies have shown that it also accelerates aging. Do you want to look younger? Throw away the sugar! High fructose corn syrup is fructose but extremely concentrated.
Fourth Commandment. Thou shall not consume excess sodium.
I know. It’s hard. “But everything has sodium!” I agree. Essentially, almost all food has salt. Here’s the thing, I am not saying you can’t eat anything that has sodium. All I am saying is that don’t add it if you are making your own food. Choose food that has “reduced salt/sodium.”
Sodium causes us to retain more water than usual. It can lead to dehydration, diarrhea, and other health issues. Basically, reduce it. Eat for results, not for taste.
Fifth Commandment. Thou shall do something active for 30 minutes a day.
It is true. It is essential to do keep yourself active for at least 30 minutes a day. Whatever that looks like to you. It could be playing sports, playing with your kids, brisk walk, and working out at the gym. It is important that you keep your heart elevated and really get it pumping. Sweating also has its detoxifying benefits.
Sixth Commanment. Thou shall drink plenty of water.
WATER. WATER. WATER! Stay hydrated. Sometimes people mistake hunger for thirst and end up eating more than they would like to. Drink 2 glasses of water upon waking up to jumpstart hydration for your body.
Think of water as the fountain of youth. Your skin gets clearer. Your digestion gets better. You naturally feel a lot better. We are made up of up to 60% water. Give our body what it needs.
Seventh Commandment. Thou shall get adequate amount of protein.
Protein is how our muscles are built. Having an adequate amount of protein can accelerate our progress significantly.
Protein can help us feel full longer so it won’t spike our blood sugar levels unlike carbs.
Eighth Commandment. Thou shall get plenty of sleep.
Busy schedules can deprive us of our sleep. Lack of sleep can cause stress. Stress excretes stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol leads to unwanted fat storage and/or unwanted muscle loss.
Set yourself up to win by creating a sleep schedule. Turn off your devices one hour before bedtime. It can reduce excess thinking while trying to sleep. When you look at devices, the blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleepy hormone, and makes you stay up longer.
Ninth Commandment. Thou shall not get jealous of others progress.
Everyone’s journey is different. Besides, you’ll never know who is on steroids or have genetics like a Greek God. The point is, if you keep looking at your neighbor’s lawn, you will take time away from watering yours.
Strive for progress, not perfection. It may be a cliche but it’s true, NOBODY is perfect.
Tenth Commandment. Thou shall believe in thyself.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! There will always be a time where you don’t feel like it. Those are THE BEST TIMES to get up and do it anyway. Do whatever it takes. Believe in yourself because no one else will.